Perfect 10: Top Back-of-House Benefits of “JIFFY” Complete Baking Mixes

In today’s demanding foodservice landscape, operations of all kinds can benefit from a little extra help in the back of house. Chefs and operators are seeking ways to boost efficiency without sacrificing culinary creativity, and “JIFFY” complete baking mixes are the perfect solution. Keep reading to learn about the benefits they bring, from labor savings to menu innovation and more.

1. They save time and labor.

It’s no surprise that more than 50% of operators say that labor-saving products are especially appealing. With dry ingredients pre-measured and pre-mixed, complete baking mixes significantly reduce room for error, as well as the time and effort needed to prepare dishes across all dayparts.

2. They’re cost-effective.

In 2022, nearly 90% of operators reported food cost increases. Complete baking mixes can often be more cost-effective than sourcing individual ingredients and scratch baking. Additionally, they help reduce waste, since there’s no need to stock a wide range of individual ingredients, contributing to cost savings.

3. They’re versatile.

Traditional applications are just the beginning. Explore new ways to serve something sweet, like waffle fries made with “JIFFY” Sweet Cream Pancake and Waffle Mix, or bring sweet and savory combinations to the menu with Monte Cristo pancakes.

4. They’re easy to use.

With the restaurant industry turnover rate at an all-time high of 75%, products with simple preparation are more valuable than ever. New team members can get up to speed quickly and learn how to create a variety of menu items using complete baking mixes. This helps to reduce onboarding time and ensure consistently delicious end results.

5. They’re completely customizable.

While complete baking mixes come with specific recipes, there are lots of ways to customize. It’s easy to add your personal touch with mix-ins, fillings and toppings to tailor dishes to your customers’ preferences and dietary requirements.

6. They inspire menu innovation.

Complete baking mixes add a layer of convenience to any operation, allowing more time for creativity in the back of house. It’s never been easier or more cost-effective to experiment with different flavors, textures and ingredients for patron-pleasing LTOs.

7. They’re perfect for any daypart.

These handy products provide endless opportunities for delicious menu items any time of day. A complete sweet cornbread mix can be used to create a base for eggs Benedict, muffins for barbecue or seafood, herb topping for fish, pudding cups for desserts and so much more.

8. They’re a delicious base for LTOs and more.

These mixes make it simpler to add limited-time flavors to your menu quickly and efficiently. They’re easy to use and dependable, saving time in the kitchen. By using them as a trusted base, you can focus on exploring of-the-moment ingredients to create exciting offerings for your seasonal rotation.

9. They deliver consistent results.

Complete baking mixes are specially formulated for consistency, ensuring delicious flavor and eye-catching appearance each and every time—no matter who’s preparing them. These reliable, repeatable results are key to satisfying customers and keeping them coming back for more.

10. They boost check averages.

By adding premium ingredients to a complete baking mix, you can offer signature dishes at a higher price point. Highlight unique menu ideas to entice customers, and consider upselling desserts with innovative concepts such as pancake flights, donut towers, or sweet and savory brownie pairings.

Incorporating complete baking mixes into your foodservice operation can help you unlock culinary creativity, optimize efficiency and consistently deliver craveable dishes. No matter the operation, these mixes are a delightful addition for back-of-house efficiency as well as front-of-house delight.



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